Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Unpublicized St. Louis Coffee Crisis

This was originally to be solely about the apparent and little publicized coffee crisis in St. Louis. So if you count how many places you could get coffee on your way to work and include driving a 1/2 mile out of your way, how many would there be? Well multiple that number by zero and that equals the number on my way on a 19 mile drive. I attempted to go 1/2 mile out of my way for coffee the other day. What a nightmare!
I have also found that it is perfectly expected to wait 5-7 minutes for someone to make a freakin Latte…no 1/2 and 1/2, no fancy anything…straight up espresso and milk! I mean for real, is coffee more expensive here? It taste like swill and you can't even buy one if you want to! What's a girl to do?
Other random coffee moments go something like this…requesting a quad latte gets a look from the guy behind the counter like I just asked him to sell me crack and a look of utter confusion on why someone would consume this crack loaded coffee.
Coffee to-go…now there is a concept. Even McDonald’s can handle that request. Then even warn you it is going to be hot. Go into a coffee joint in St. Louis and request a 20 ounce coffee to go is met by a blank stare and the guy behind the counter had to go check if they had to-go cups. At this point, I am missing Crusin’ Coffee. He produces a lone cup and says we only have this size. I said, “fine, I’ll take a 12 oz with 2 shots please.” I swear if I don’t have to waste a ½ hour in the morning on a mission for coffee. (The first one to leave a comment on my blog about making it myself will be put on my list…don’t even think about it!) My helpful co-worker did tell me they have plenty of coffee to-go in St. Louis, it is called gas stations. I will forward her address for get well cards shortly.
Now the reason this is not solely about the coffee crisis is this wonderful creation I have discovered called St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake. This little cake of wonderful butter and sweet goodness! Melts in your mouth and sticks straight to my hips! It does offset my annoyance with the coffee crisis. Lucky for St. Louis they didn’t call it Gooey Coffee Cake. You can’t get a coffee to go with it so this would have caused postal reactions of catastrophic proportions.


Amy said...

Ignorance is bliss I suppose... like when I thought a $12 bottle of Louis Jadot Chardonnay was good. Yeah... those days are long gone. But Ooey Gooey Butter Cake (as a true St. Louisan calls it) is heart-attack heaven in a 3"x3" square. Perhaps your true reason for landing in the Lou was to enlighten this sad land-locked river city what coffee can really be.

Jenn And The City said...

Note to V: If the ESI gig doesn't work out, y'all can start a REAL espresso stand. I'm sure there are some other Northwest ex-pats who will appreciate it.

From Jenn in Seattle, where if you don't like this Starbucks, cross the street....

Justin said...

Hey Coffee Crisis,

You need to try


This is list of all independant Coffee places that have great coffee.

I have tried several and have not been disappointed yet.

Park Avenue Coffee in Lafayette Square has Amazing Coffee, a wonderfully friendly staff AND Gooey Butter Cake in 64 Flavors. (There is a God).

Check out one of these places and let us know if this helps your coffee crisis.

Liz said...

Oh Crap! I'd forgotten about midwest coffee issues. We're roadtripping to Duluth in a month. At least most gas stations now have bottled Starbucks frappacinos. Can't drive without the caffeine and sugar stimulants.